A ANI promove e apoia uma rede nacional de CoLAB – Laboratórios Colaborativos, que se assumem como verdadeiros geradores de inovação, com a criação de novos produtos, serviços e processos, levando mais longe a investigação em Portugal.
Para encontrar o CoLAB mais próximo de si ou que atue na sua área de interesse ou setor de investigação e desenvolvimento, utilize a nossa pesquisa detalhada.
+ATLANTIC+ATLANTIC - Associação para um Laboratório Colaborativo do Atlântico+ATLANTIC aims at advancing knowledge on the interactions between the Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate and Energy in the Atlantic, through an integrated and holistic approach from...
INOVINOV - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, InovaçãoINOV is a private non-profit Interface Center dedicated to structured and professional applied research and technology transfer. It achieves this through the provision of...
InnovGastronomyInnovGastronomyInnovGastronomy CoLAB is committed to identifying and valuing the Portuguese gastronomic heritage, enabling its dissemination, improving and innovating the gastronomic offering through scientific research on...
WATER-CoReWATER Co-Re CoLAB AssociaçãoThe main objective of WATER-CoRe is to actively contribute to more resilient and sustainable communities through the improvement of water management and the reduction of the growing pressure on water resources....
LogINLogin Colab - Associação Para o Laboratório Colaborativo: Centre For Technology Transfer and Innovation In LogisticsLogIN is a Collaborative Laboratoryin the thematic area of Logistics, based in a geostrategic territory, particularly because of...
RAIL CoLABAssociação RAIL CoLAB – Collaborative Laboratory for the Future Railway SystemRAIL CoLAB is a non-profit multidisciplinary research association, with the aim of promoting and carrying out Research and Development (R&D) initiatives and...