Guides and Manuals
All useful information on legal framework, procedures, and communication support for all beneficiaries of the CoLAB and CTI Networks in one place.
Decree-Law No. 126-B/2021 [PDF]
December 31 – Establishes the legal framework for Technology and Innovation Centers and complements the legal framework for Collaborative Laboratories
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 186/2021 [PDF]
December 29 – Approves the public investment program in research and development for 2021-2030
Decree-Law No. 63/2019 [PDF]
May 16 – Establishes the legal framework for institutions dedicated to scientific research and development
Regulation No. 486-A/2017 [PDF]
Regulation for the attribution of the title of Collaborative Laboratory (CoLAB)
Regulation No. 873/2021 [PDF]
First amendment to the regulation establishing the rules for the procedure of awarding the title and designation of Collaborative Laboratory «CoLAB»
Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council [PDF]
February 12, 2021 – Establishes the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism
European Commission Communication 2021/C58/01 [PDF]
Technical guidelines on the application of the “do no significant harm” principle under the Regulation establishing a Recovery and Resilience Mechanism
European Commission Communication (2014/C58/01) [PDF]
June 27, replaced by Commission Communication 2022/C414/01, October 28 – Framework for state aid for research, development, and innovation.
Regulation (EU) 651/2014 of the Commission [PDF]
General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)
C(2023) 1712 final ANNEX [PDF]
Annex to the Commission Communication approving the content of the draft Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014.
Regarding Notice No. 01/C05-I02/2022
Platform User Guide – Mission Interface [PDF]
Agreed Procedures Report – Mission Interface [PDF]
Technical and Financial Execution Manual for Mission Interface – Version 1 (05-07-2023) [PDF]
Technical and Financial Execution Manual for Mission Interface – Version 2 (16-01-2024) [PDF]
Prevention and management of double funding risk – Final Beneficiaries of Mission Interface [PDF]
Prevention and management of fraud risk – Final Beneficiaries of Mission Interface [PDF]
Decree-Law no. 126-B/2021 [PDF]
of December 31, establishes the legal framework for Technology and Innovation Centers and complements the legal framework for Collaborative Laboratories.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 186/2021 [PDF]
December 29 – Approves the public investment program in research and development for 2021-2030
Decree-Law No. 63/2019 [PDF]
May 16 – Establishes the legal framework for institutions dedicated to scientific research and development
Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council [PDF]
February 12, 2021 – Establishes the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism
European Commission Communication 2021/C58/01 [PDF]
Technical guidelines on the application of the “do no significant harm” principle under the Regulation establishing a Recovery and Resilience Mechanism
Communication from the European Commission (2014/C198/01) [PDF]
of June 27, replaced by Commission Communication 2022/C 414/01 [PDF]of October 28 – Framework for state aid for research, development and innovation
Regulation (EU) 651/2014 of the Commission [PDF]
General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)
C(2023) 1712 final ANNEX [PDF]
Annex to the Communication from the Commission approving the content of the draft Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014
Order no. 53/2022 [PDF]
of January 24 – Establishes the procedures and conditions for submitting applications for recognition as a Technology and Innovation Center
Order no. 12688/2022 (Recognition of CTIs) [PDF]
of November 2 – Full list of entities recognized as Technology and Innovation Centres
Call for applications for recognition as an STI [PDF]
Application and Evaluation Support Guide [PDF]
Regarding the process of recognition as a CTI
Agreed Procedures Report – Mission Interface [PDF]
Technical and Financial Execution Manual for Mission Interface – Version 1 (05-07-2023) [PDF]
Technical and Financial Execution Manual for Mission Interface – Version 2 (16-01-2024) [PDF]
Prevention and management of double funding risk – Final Beneficiaries of Mission Interface [PDF]
Prevention and management of fraud risk – Final Beneficiaries of Mission Interface [PDF]