
The National TTO Conference was an event designed to showcase the latest technological developments, research activities, and the intellectual property (IP) portfolios of national higher education institutions (HEIs). The conference featured interactive exhibits, technological demonstrations, and presentations on the latest advancements in research and technology.

This event serves as an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, industry representatives, and other HEIs to come together to discuss the state of research and innovation in the country, highlighting key results and identifying potential areas for collaboration and work opportunities.

The conference is of great importance to the TTO Network, as it provides a platform where the structures within it can present their most promising results in research, technological development, and intellectual property to a diverse group of stakeholders, such as investors, policymakers, industry representatives, and other HEIs.

The goals of the conference were to promote collaboration and the establishment of partnerships between HEIs, industry, and government, as well as to create opportunities for the commercialization of research and technology developed within these institutions.

Relive the best moments of this event here:


The National TTO Conference was promoted as part of the Support System for Collective Actions – Scientific and Technological Knowledge Transfer, TECH4INNOV – Knowledge@Transfer activity, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, under the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) of Portugal 2020.


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