5+5 Dialogue
ANI is responsible for contributions on innovation to discussions within the group for research and innovation of the Western Mediterranean Cooperation Process – known as the 5+5 Dialogue, coordinated by the Foundation for Science and Technology.
The objective is to strengthen political dialogue and cooperation in areas of common interest among the countries of the Western Mediterranean basin and to promote the economic development of the Maghreb.
The 5+5 Dialogue is a structure politically coordinated by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of 10 Western Mediterranean countries:
5 Southern European Countries:
Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, and Malta;
5 Southern European Countries:
Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.
This dialogue structure is informally replicated through sectoral Ministries in the areas of Internal Affairs (including migration), Defense, Transport, Environment, Tourism, and more recently, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Agriculture, and Food Security.