Master’s and Doctoral Theses

ANI aims to give visibility to and disseminate the results of academic research in the areas of innovation, particularly that produced in Portugal or by Portuguese authors. This is a non-exhaustive list of works, which is constantly being updated.

Doctoral theses


Lopes, João Nuno Morais (2019), Smart specialization strategies as booster of regional entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystems [PDF], University of Beira Interior, PhD Thesis in Management.


Silva, Ana Isabel de Jesus Correia Fernandes Oliveira (2018), Innovation in a Circular Economy: Conceptual, empirical and policy underpinnings for transition through an eco-innovation pathway, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PhD Thesis.

Monteiro, Mónica Fernanda de Jesus Rodrigues (2018), Dynamic capabilities, innovation and internationalization in a medium technology sector: the case of Portuguese footwear [PDF], ISCTE-IUL, PhD Thesis in Management.


Kahilana, Orlando Francisco Líssimo (2017), A Influência dos factores impulsionadores e das barreiras à inovação tecnológica empresarial [PDF] , University of Beira Interior, PhD Thesis in Management.

Carvalho, Rui Cartaxo (2017), University technology transfer and the role of technology transfer officesPhD Thesis in Economics, ISEG/University of Lisbon.


Ala, Soraia Luísa Pereira Pinto (2016), Technology commercialization models. University of Aveiro. PhD thesis in Industrial Management.

Braga, Alexandra Maria da Silva (2016), Influence of knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) on firm innovation. University of Beira Interior. PhD thesis in Management.

Carvalho, João António Marrucho (2016), Determinants of innovation performance in Portugal and Europe. University of Beira Interior. PhD Thesis in Management.

Duarte, Filipe Alexandre Pereira (2016), Ongoing or Abandoned Innovation Activities: Determining Factors in Portuguese Companies. University of Beira Interior. PhD Thesis in Management.


Farinha, Luís Manuel do Carmo (2015), Innovation and Entrepreneuship Networks as Global Competitiveness Drivers. University of Beira Interior. PhD Thesis in Management.

Neto, Paula Maria da Costa Vieira (2015), The certification of research & development and innovation management systems: the case of Portugal. University of Aveiro. PhD Thesis in Industrial Engineering and Management.

Silva, Dorotéa Bueno da (2015), Evaluation of innovation programs: the importance of indirect impacts. University of Minho. PhD thesis in Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Valente, Fernando Manuel (2015), Academic spin-offs in Portugal. ISEG, University of Lisbon. PhD thesis in Management.

Master’s dissertations


Afonso, Jorge (2018), Factors and organizational models for the management of innovation programs in the University-Industry relationship, University of Minho, Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering.

Martins, Ana Vanessa (2018), University-business technology transfer in RIS3 North Portugal, UTAD, Master in Management.

Pinheiro, Carlos (2018), Service design methodologies for technology valorization, University of Minho, Integrated Master’s Degree in Information Systems Engineering and Management.

Pombeiro, António (2018), Science and Technology Parks. Contributions to Local and Regional Development. The Madan Park case – Almada , FCSH/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Master’s Degree in Territorial Management.


Abreu Guedea Melo Correia, Tomás Francisco (2015), Innovation and Quality Management. An Analysis of the Implications for Collaborative R&D . Instituto Superior de Gestão. Mestrado em Gestão.

Covêlo, Susana Andreia dos Santos (2015), The impact of innovation on the performance of Portuguese companies: evidence based on CIS2010. Master in Management.

Damba, Pedro Miguel (2016), Innovation as a key competitiveness factor in SMEs. Autonomous University of Lisbon. Master’s in Management.

Silva, Ana Sofia Gomes Marques da (2016), Methodology for evaluating companies in terms of their degree of innovation: exploratory study. Catholic University of Portugal. Master in Management.

Nogueira, Sara Patrícia Couto (2016), The relationship between the size of companies and their innovative behavior. University of Minho. Master’s Degree in Industrial and Business Economics.


Almeida, Joana Margarida Vieira de (2015), Auction mechanisms for the allocation of R&D subsidies. Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra. Master’s Degree in Economics.

Carvalho, Isabel Lopes de (2015), The influence of taxation on business research and development. ISEG, University of Lisbon. Master’s Degree in Accounting, Taxation and Corporate Finance.

Subtil, Ana Inês Gomes Fernandes Diz (2015), Collaboration in innovation: partners or competitors?. University of Minho. Master’s Degree in Industrial and Business Economics.

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