The smart specialization paradigm requires effective coordination between different levels of action. On the one hand, national, regional and sectoral realities must be coordinated. On the other hand, coordination between the political and technical dimensions is also imperative. Figure 2 outlines the ENEI 2030 governance model, where the articulation between these different levels of action can be seen.
Figure 2 – ENEI 2030 Multilevel Governance Model
Find out which bodies are part of the governance system
- National Council for Intelligent Specialization – responsible for the political coordination of ENEI 2030, whose main function is to define the strategic guidelines to be followed; this body includes members of the national government (government areas of Economy and Sea, Presidency, Education, Science and Innovation, Environment and Energy, Culture, Agriculture and Fisheries, Health, and Territorial Cohesion) and the governments of each of the Autonomous Regions (Azores and Madeira);
- Executive Committee – responsible for the operational coordination of ENEI 2030, one of its main functions being to manage and coordinate the set of measures that will make ENEI 2030 a reality; this body is the responsibility of ANI, which has a team dedicated to fulfilling the missions that are the responsibility of this Executive Committee;
- Technical Committee – responsible for providing technical support to the Executive Committee, namely through opinions and advice in various areas of the Executive Committee’s activity; this body, which is coordinated by ANI, includes IAPMEI, FCT, AICEP, AD&C, CNCTI, the various CCDRs, as well as representatives from the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira;
- Territorial Commission – responsible for strategic coordination and articulation between the initiatives of the Regional Strategies for Intelligent Specialization and the National Strategy for Intelligent Specialization 2030; this body is also responsible for coordinating and animating the Forum for Innovation and Intelligent Specialization; it is made up of representatives from each of the entities responsible for each EREI and also from AD&C;
- Innovation and Smart Specialization Forum – this is the body where interaction and coordination takes place between different regional platforms and national thematic platforms. Its main function is to guarantee the operationalization of the rationale underpinning smart specialization; it is made up of representatives from each of the entities responsible for each EREI, the Executive Committee and the National and Regional Thematic Platforms;
- National Thematic Platforms – consist of six thematic working groups, one for each ENEI 2030 priority area, which advise the Executive Committee on the strategy to be followed in each priority area; they include a representative from ANI, one from the Forum for Innovation and Smart Specialization, representatives from each of the entities responsible for each EREI, a representative from AD&C and representatives from the quadruple helix.