Portuguese participation in Horizon 2020
Description of 5 of the H2020 projects with Portuguese participation with the greatest impact
Area: Widening
Total financing: 13.586.156,00€
Total financing: 13.586.156,00€
PT Participants:
- Centre’s Regional Coordination and Development Commission
- University of Coimbra
- Pedro Nunes Institute
- Association for Innovation and Development in Science and Technology
The MIA-Portugal project is the result of a partnership between the PT participants and Newcastle University (UK) with the aim of creating a Centre of Excellence for research into ageing. The overall aim of the MIA – Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing is to improve the health and well-being of an ageing population by establishing a leading position in ageing research.
The MIA-Portugal project is the result of a partnership between the PT participants and Newcastle University (UK) with the aim of creating a Centre of Excellence for research into ageing. The overall aim of the MIA – Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing is to improve the health and well-being of an ageing population by establishing a leading position in ageing research.
Area: Saúde
Total financing: 6.898.157,50€
Total financing: 6.898.157,50€
PT Participants:
- UNINOVA – Institute for the Development of New Technologies
- Available League Lda.
- Regional Health Secretariat
- Knowledgebiz Consulting – Sociedade de Consultoria em Gestão, Lda.
- Association for Research and Development of the Faculty of Medicine
The ICU4COVID project falls into the category of developing medical technologies and digital tools to improve the detection, supervision and care of patients and new technologies that protect healthcare workers.
The ICU4COVID project falls into the category of developing medical technologies and digital tools to improve the detection, supervision and care of patients and new technologies that protect healthcare workers.
Area: Cleansky
Total financing: 5.789.988,33€
Total financing: 5.789.988,33€
PT Participants:
- Caetano Aeronautic, S.A.
- Institute of Welding and Quality
- Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering
The PASSARO project, part of the Clean Sky public-private partnership for the aviation sector, aims to contribute to the development of multifunctional and intelligent aerostructures – lighter, more resistant and with a high level of protection and comfort. It also contributes to the automation of production processes and technologies associated with maintenance in an Industry 4.0 approach, improving their production, maintenance and testing efficiency.
The PASSARO project, part of the Clean Sky public-private partnership for the aviation sector, aims to contribute to the development of multifunctional and intelligent aerostructures – lighter, more resistant and with a high level of protection and comfort. It also contributes to the automation of production processes and technologies associated with maintenance in an Industry 4.0 approach, improving their production, maintenance and testing efficiency.
Area: TIC
Total financing: 4.674.802,66€
Total financing: 4.674.802,66€
PT Participants:
- INESC TEC – Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering Technology and Science
- EDP Distribuição Energia, S.A.
- SONAE Mc – Serviços Partilhados, S.A.
- Modelo Continente Hipermercados, S.A.
- Elergone Energia, Lda.
- Home Automation SGTA Gestao Técnica E Automação Lda.
- Schneider Electric Portugal Lda.
The InterConnect project aims to develop solutions for a digitalisation of the electricity system based on architectures for the Internet of Things (IoT) which, through various digital platforms, and using a universal ontology called SAREF, guarantee interoperability between equipment and systems, while at the same time ensuring the privacy and cybersecurity of the data of the different users.
The InterConnect project aims to develop solutions for a digitalisation of the electricity system based on architectures for the Internet of Things (IoT) which, through various digital platforms, and using a universal ontology called SAREF, guarantee interoperability between equipment and systems, while at the same time ensuring the privacy and cybersecurity of the data of the different users.
Sharing Cities
Area: Energia
Total financing: 6.280.079,47€
Total financing: 6.280.079,47€
PT Participants:
- Lisbon City Council
- Altice Labs, S.A.
- LISBOA E – Lisbon’s new Municipal Energy and Environment Agency
- CEIIA – Centre for Excellence and Innovation in the Automotive Industry
- EDP – Distribuição de Energia, S.A.
- Instituto Superior Técnico
- EMEL – Lisbon’s public car parking company
- E.E.M., Reabilita, Lda.
The Sharing Cities project aims to test a new approach to creating smart cities. Promoting international co-operation between industry and cities, the project seeks to develop affordable solutions that result in commercial solutions with high market potential for smart cities. This project enables citizen involvement and co-operation at local level, strengthening trust between cities and citizens.
The Sharing Cities project aims to test a new approach to creating smart cities. Promoting international co-operation between industry and cities, the project seeks to develop affordable solutions that result in commercial solutions with high market potential for smart cities. This project enables citizen involvement and co-operation at local level, strengthening trust between cities and citizens.
Top 10 countries cooperating most with Portugal in Horizon 2020
See the list of 10 organisations from each country that cooperate the most with Portuguese organisations.
Germany [ DE ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Max-planck-gesellschaft Zur Forderung Der Wissenschaften Ev | 39 | 204,90 M€ |
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.v. | 190 | 118,96 M€ |
Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – Und Raumfahrt Ev | 80 | 105,99 M€ |
Forschungszentrum Julich Gmbh | 47 | 68,82 M€ |
Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie | 40 | 63,75 M€ |
Airbus Operations Gmbh | 5 | 42,94 M€ |
European Molecular Biology Laboratory | 31 | 26,51 M€ |
Infineon Technologies Ag | 12 | 20,79 M€ |
Technische Universitaet Muenchen | 36 | 17,37 M€ |
Technische Universitaet Dresden | 25 | 16,09 M€ |
Spain [ ES ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior Deinvestigaciones Cientificas | 124 | 46,40 M€ |
Centro De Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales Y Tecnologicas-ciemat | 23 | 44,91 M€ |
Airbus Defence And Space Sa | 8 | 33,52 M€ |
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation | 65 | 29,20 M€ |
Aernnova Aerospace S.a.u. | 6 | 26,22 M€ |
Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional De Supercomputacion | 28 | 25,54 M€ |
Universidad Politecnica De Madrid | 56 | 21,41 M€ |
Centro Para El Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial. | 28 | 20,29 M€ |
Atos Spain Sa | 42 | 19,51 M€ |
Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya | 35 | 14,21 M€ |
United Kingdom [ UK ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority | 2 | 74,58 M€ |
Geant Limited | 5 | 41,61 M€ |
United Kingdom Research And Innovation | 89 | 37,27 M€ |
The Chancellor Masters And Scholarsof The University Of Cambridge | 39 | 36,03 M€ |
University College London | 60 | 34,11 M€ |
The University Of Manchester | 32 | 28,25 M€ |
King’s College London | 17 | 26,23 M€ |
Imperial College Of Science Technology And Medicine | 39 | 22,76 M€ |
The University Of Edinburgh | 45 | 21,87 M€ |
Rolls-royce Plc | 2 | 21,58 M€ |
Belgium [ BE ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | 72 | 28,74 M€ |
Interuniversitair Micro-electronica Centrum | 30 | 24,61 M€ |
Universiteit Gent | 48 | 19,47 M€ |
Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.v. | 27 | 17,67 M€ |
Ecole Royale Militaire – Koninklijke Militaire School | 2 | 16,03 M€ |
Studiecentrum Voor Kernenergie / Centre D’etude De L’energie Nucleaire | 8 | 8,49 M€ |
Association D’eureka | 1 | 7,70 M€ |
Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw- En Visserijonderzoek | 20 | 7,15 M€ |
Universite Catholique De Louvain | 20 | 6,59 M€ |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel | 23 | 6,25 M€ |
Sweden [ SE ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola Ab | 21 | 37,16 M€ |
Vetenskapsradet – Swedish Research Council | 12 | 16,29 M€ |
Uppsala Universitet | 42 | 15,92 M€ |
Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan | 27 | 12,53 M€ |
Karolinska Institutet | 29 | 11,97 M€ |
Rise Research Institutes Of Sweden Ab | 23 | 11,76 M€ |
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet | 21 | 11,10 M€ |
Saab Aktiebolag | 4 | 10,29 M€ |
Lulea Tekniska Universitet | 18 | 8,32 M€ |
Trafikverket – Trv | 10 | 7,83 M€ |
France [ FR ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Commissariat A L Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives | 103 | 148,08 M€ |
Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Cnrs | 143 | 87,05 M€ |
Airbus Operations Sas | 6 | 54,51 M€ |
Institut National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale | 38 | 33,87 M€ |
Institut National De Recherche Pour L’agriculture, L’alimentation Et L’environnement | 64 | 29,99 M€ |
Dassault Aviation | 4 | 28,79 M€ |
Office National D’etudes Et De Recherches Aerospatiales | 14 | 28,56 M€ |
Agence Nationale De La Recherche | 32 | 20,25 M€ |
Bull Sas | 4 | 19,73 M€ |
Centre National D’etudes Spatiales – Cnes | 4 | 19,03 M€ |
Italy [ IT ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Agenzia Nazionale Per Le Nuove Tecnologie, L’energia E Lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile | 42 | 106,85 M€ |
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche | 134 | 60,68 M€ |
Leonardo – Societa Per Azioni | 15 | 54,85 M€ |
Fondazione Penta – For The Treatment And Care Of Children With Hiv Andrelated Diseases – Onlus | 2 | 34,63 M€ |
Politecnico Di Milano | 66 | 28,28 M€ |
Fondazione Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia | 9 | 20,75 M€ |
Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita Di Bologna | 55 | 18,96 M€ |
Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica Spa | 39 | 18,67 M€ |
Politecnico Di Torino | 37 | 14,19 M€ |
Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza | 40 | 14,08 M€ |
124 46,40 M€ Centro De Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales Y Tecnologicas-ciemat 23 44,91 M€ Airbus Defence And Space Sa 8 33,52 M€ Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 65 29,20 M€ Aernnova Aerospace S.a.u. 6 26,22 M€ Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional De Supercomputacion 28 25,54 M€ Universidad Politecnica De Madrid 56 21,41 M€ Centro Para El Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial. 28 20,29 M€ Atos Spain Sa 42 19,51 M€ Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya 35 14,21 M€
The Netherlands [ NL ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Geant Vereniging | 10 | 136,11 M€ |
Stichting Wageningen Research | 67 | 59,16 M€ |
Technische Universiteit Delft | 61 | 35,42 M€ |
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit | 28 | 26,26 M€ |
Wageningen University | 44 | 23,75 M€ |
Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Tno | 48 | 20,42 M€ |
Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten | 28 | 20,19 M€ |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 37 | 17,44 M€ |
Universiteit Utrecht | 32 | 13,80 M€ |
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- En Ruimtevaartlaboratorium | 11 | 13,55 M€ |
Greece [ EL ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola Ab | 21 | 37,16 M€ |
Vetenskapsradet – Swedish Research Council | 12 | 16,29 M€ |
Uppsala Universitet | 42 | 15,92 M€ |
Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan | 27 | 12,53 M€ |
Karolinska Institutet | 29 | 11,97 M€ |
Rise Research Institutes Of Sweden Ab | 23 | 11,76 M€ |
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet | 21 | 11,10 M€ |
Saab Aktiebolag | 4 | 10,29 M€ |
Lulea Tekniska Universitet | 18 | 8,32 M€ |
Trafikverket – Trv | 10 | 7,83 M€ |
Finland [ FI ]
Entity | Number of projects | Funding |
Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus Vtt Oy | 80 | 57,97 M€ |
Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio Sr | 27 | 14,46 M€ |
Helsingin Yliopisto | 58 | 14,34 M€ |
Luonnonvarakeskus | 21 | 10,34 M€ |
Csc-tieteen Tietotekniikan Keskus Oy | 16 | 9,59 M€ |
Fortum Power And Heat Oy | 2 | 9,03 M€ |
Oulun Yliopisto | 25 | 8,92 M€ |
Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio Sr | 22 | 8,35 M€ |
Ilmatieteen Laitos | 18 | 6,78 M€ |
Ita-suomen Yliopisto | 13 | 5,04 M€ |
Number of Participations
National organisations are participating in 2,469 Horizon 2020 projects. These projects are the result of 17,658 proposals submitted and correspond to a success rate of 13.98% compared to the EU average of 12.68%.
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||
Approved Projects PT | 333 | 295 | 324 | 332 | 377 | 382 | 426 | 2.469 | |
Coordinated Projects PT | 79 | 85 | 93 | 102 | 120 | 103 | 109 | 691 | |
Submitted proposals PT | 2.209 | 2.580 | 2.009 | 2.329 | 2.317 | 2.416 | 3.798 | 17.658 | |
Coordinated Projects PT | 816 | 869 | 739 | 957 | 1.074 | 940 | 1.269 | 6.664 | |
Submitted proposals UE | 35.408 | 41.808 | 41.471 | 43.758 | 43.925 | 40.865 | 49.904 | 297.139 | |
Approved Projects UE | 5.458 | 4.704 | 6.124 | 5.239 | 5.630 | 5.325 | 5.195 | 37.675 |
PT Participation by Type of Entity
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||
Higher Education | 129 | 96 | 116 | 112 | 122 | 121 | 168 | 864 | |
Large companies | 48 | 49 | 54 | 64 | 63 | 69 | 87 | 434 | |
SME | 94 | 86 | 117 | 94 | 115 | 110 | 108 | 724 | |
Research Centers | 128 | 134 | 119 | 139 | 154 | 155 | 195 | 1.024 | |
Others | 93 | 68 | 79 | 60 | 96 | 70 | 93 | 559 |
PT participation by region
Participations by Pilar
Scientific Excellence | Industrial Leadership | Societal Challenges | Widening | SWAFS | |
Approved Projects PT | 656 | 568 | 857 | 121 | 62 |
Coordinated Projects PT | 286 | 204 | 60 | 114 | 3 |
Submitted proposals PT | 5.928 | 4.967 | 5.077 | 466 | 475 |
Coordinated Projects PT | 3.048 | 2.333 | 672 | 426 | 47 |
Submitted proposals UE | 146.067 | 111.649 | 24.547 | 3.084 | 1.871 |
Approved Projects UE | 20.678 | 8.915 | 3.583 | 499 | 278 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Approved Projects PT | 656 |
Coordinated Projects PT | – |
Submitted proposals PT | 5.928 |
Coordinated Proposals PT | 3.048 |
Submitted proposals UE | 146.067 |
Approved Projects UE | 20.678 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Approved Projects PT | 568 |
Coordinated Projects PT | – |
Proposals presented PT | 4.967 |
Coordinated Proposals PT | 2.333 |
Proposals presented UE | 111.649 |
Approved Projects UE | 8.915 |
Societal challenges | |
Approved Projects PT | 857 |
Coordinated Projects PT | – |
Submitted proposals PT | 5.077 |
Coordinated Proposals PT | 672 |
Submitted proposals UE | 24.547 |
Approved Projects UE | 3.583 |
Widening | |
Approved Projects PT | 121 |
Coordinated Projects PT | – |
Submitted proposals PT | 466 |
Coordinated Proposals PT | 426 |
Submitted proposals UE | 3.084 |
Approved Projects UE | 499 |
Approved Projects PT | 62 |
Coordinated Projects PT | – |
Submitted proposals PT | 475 |
Coordinated Proposals PT | 47 |
Submitted proposals UE | 1.871 |
Approved Projects UE | 278 |
PT Participation by Type of Entity in each Pillar
Scientific Excellence | Industrial Leadership | Societal Challenges | Widening | SWAFS | |
Higher Education | 362 | 68 | 241 | 66 | 33 |
Large companies | 21 | 124 | 218 | 0 | 1 |
SME | 74 | 321 | 250 | 5 | 4 |
Research Centers | 353 | 187 | 328 | 70 | 11 |
Others | 54 | 85 | 358 | 11 | 29 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Higher Education | 362 |
Large companies | 21 |
SME | 74 |
Research Centers | 353 |
Others | 54 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Higher Education | 68 |
Large companies | 124 |
SME | 321 |
Research Centers | 187 |
Others | 85 |
Societal challenges | |
Higher Education | 241 |
Large companies | 218 |
SME | 250 |
Research Centers | 328 |
Others | 358 |
Widening | |
Higher Education | 66 |
Large Companies | 0 |
SME | 5 |
Research Centers | 70 |
Others | 11 |
Higher Education | 33 |
Large companies | 1 |
SME | 4 |
Research Centers | 11 |
Others | 29 |
Portuguese participation by Region in each Pillar
Scientific Excellence | Industrial Leadership | Societal Challenges | Widening | SWAFS | |
Azores | 8 | 4 | 35 | 1 | 4 |
Alentejo | 20 | 22 | 76 | 1 | 1 |
Algarve | 30 | 33 | 38 | 5 | – |
Center | 157 | 144 | 191 | 23 | 10 |
Lisbon | 432 | 262 | 765 | 72 | 38 |
Madeira | 5 | 7 | 23 | – | 2 |
North | 212 | 261 | 319 | 50 | 23 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Azores | 8 |
Alentejo | 20 |
Algarve | 30 |
Center | 157 |
Lisbon | 432 |
Wood | 5 |
North | 212 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Azores | 4 |
Alentejo | 22 |
Algarve | 33 |
Center | 144 |
Lisbon | 262 |
Wood | 7 |
North | 261 |
Societal challenges | |
Azores | 35 |
Alentejo | 76 |
Algarve | 38 |
Center | 191 |
Lisbon | 765 |
Madeira | 23 |
North | 319 |
Widening | |
Azores | 1 |
Alentejo | 1 |
Algarve | 5 |
Center | 23 |
Lisbon | 72 |
Wood | – |
North | 50 |
Azores | 4 |
Alentejo | 1 |
Algarve | – |
Center | 10 |
Lisbon | 38 |
Wood | 2 |
North | 23 |
Participation and Funding in Pillar I - Scientific Excellence
Scientific Excellence | Leadership Industry | Societal Challenges | Widening | SWAFS | EURATOM | JTI | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 312,87 | 253,00 | 389,18 | 107,51 | 11,68 | 16,65 | 47,50 |
EU funding (M€) | 24.671,55 | 14.405,94 | 19.341,99 | 919,97 | 527,28 | 1.411,65 | 6.349,28 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,27 | 1,76 | 2,01 | 11,69 | 2,22 | 1,18 | 0,75 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 312,87 |
EU funding (M €) | 24.671,55 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,27 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 253,00 |
EU funding (M €) | 14.405,94 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,76 |
Societal challenges | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 389,18 |
EU funding (M €) | 19.341,99 |
Percentage Portuguese | 2,01 |
Widening | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 107,51 |
EU funding (M €) | 919,97 |
Percentage Portuguese | 11,69 |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 11,68 |
EU funding (M €) | 527,28 |
Percentage Portuguese | 2,22 |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 16,65 |
EU funding (M €) | 1.411,65 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,18 |
JTI | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 47,50 |
EU funding (M €) | 6.349,28 |
Percentage Portuguese | 0,75 |
PT Financing by Type of Entity in each Pillar
Scientific Excellence | Leadership Industry | Societal Challenges | Widening | SWAFS | EURATOM | JTI | |
Higher Education | 130,07 | 22,99 | 67,09 | 53,32 | 6,34 | 16,29 | 8,12 |
Large companies | 3,12 | 34,28 | 73,16 | – | 0,05 | – | 10,68 |
SME | 14,29 | 97,38 | 61,52 | 0,42 | 0,81 | 0,17 | 12,31 |
Research Centers | 160,48 | 80,69 | 125,50 | 51,90 | 1,70 | 0,09 | 14,63 |
Others | 4,91 | 17,66 | 61,91 | 1,87 | 2,78 | 0,10 | 1,75 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Higher education | 130,07 |
Large companies | 3,12 |
SME | 14,29 |
Research Centers | 160,48 |
Other | 4,91 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Higher Education | 22,99 |
Large companies | 34,28 |
SME | 97,38 |
Research Centers | 80,69 |
Other | 17,66 |
Societal challenges | |
Higher Education | 67,09 |
Large companies | 73,16 |
SME | 61,52 |
Research Centers | 125,50 |
Other | 61,91 |
Widening | |
Higher education | 53,32 |
Large Companies | – |
SME | 0,42 |
Research Centers | 51,90 |
Other | 1,87 |
Higher Education | 6,34 |
Large companies | 0,05 |
SME | 0,81 |
Research Centers | 1,70 |
Other | 2,78 |
Higher Education | 16,29 |
Large Companies | – |
SME | 0,17 |
Research Centers | 0,09 |
Other | 0,10 |
JTI | |
Higher Education | 8,12 |
Large companies | 10,68 |
SME | 12,31 |
Research Centers | 14,63 |
Other | 1,75 |
PT Funding by Region in each Pillar (M€)
Scientific Excellence | Leadership Industry | Societal Challenges | Widening | SWAFS | EURATOM | JTI | |
Azores | 0,69 | 0,36 | 7,07 | 0,04 | 0,63 | – | – |
Alentejo | 3,46 | 8,74 | 19,08 | 0,33 | 0,30 | – | 0,85 |
Algarve | 5,30 | 9,08 | 8,22 | 0,67 | – | – | 1,91 |
Center | 60,86 | 45,63 | 53,65 | 25,17 | 1,74 | 0,27 | 8,29 |
Lisbon | 166,80 | 87,79 | 203,15 | 32,03 | 5,04 | 15,97 | 18,96 |
Madeira | 0,32 | 1,44 | 9,25 | – | 0,44 | – | 0,29 |
North | 74,87 | 85,12 | 93,38 | 48,93 | 3,14 | 0,18 | 15,53 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Azores | 0,69 |
Alentejo | 3,46 |
Algarve | 5,30 |
Center | 60,86 |
Lisbon | 166,80 |
Wood | 0,32 |
North | 74,87 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Azores | 0,36 |
Alentejo | 8,74 |
Algarve | 9,08 |
Center | 45,63 |
Lisbon | 87,79 |
Wood | 1,44 |
North | 85,12 |
Societal challenges | |
Azores | 7,07 |
Alentejo | 19,08 |
Algarve | 8,22 |
Center | 53,65 |
Lisbon | 203,15 |
Wood | 9,25 |
North | 93,38 |
Widening | |
Azores | 0,04 |
Alentejo | 0,33 |
Algarve | 0,67 |
Center | 25,17 |
Lisbon | 32,03 |
Wood | – |
North | 48,93 |
Azores | 0,63 |
Alentejo | 0,30 |
Algarve | – |
Center | 1,74 |
Lisbon | 5,04 |
Wood | 0,44 |
North | 3,14 |
Azores | – |
Alentejo | – |
Algarve | – |
Center | 0,27 |
Lisbon | 15,97 |
Wood | – |
North | 0,18 |
JTI | |
Azores | – |
Alentejo | 0,85 |
Algarve | 1,91 |
Center | 8,29 |
Lisbon | 18,96 |
Wood | 0,29 |
North | 15,53 |
Participation and Financing in Pillar III - Societal Challenges
Financing (M€) | Participations | Coordination | |
Higher Education | 67,09 | 241 | 7 |
Large companies | 73,16 | 218 | 12 |
SME | 61,52 | 250 | 6 |
Research Centers | 125,50 | 328 | 27 |
Other | 61,91 | 358 | 8 |
Total | 389,18 | 1.395 | 60 |
Financing Higher Education
Funding for projects submitted on behalf of Universities (including their organic units, e.g. Faculties)
University | Financing |
ISPA | 1.59 |
UTAD | 1.3 |
IPC | 1.22 |
IPS | 0.94 |
UMA | 0.54 |
IPL | 0.45 |
IPT | 0.37 |
IPPortalegre | 0.33 |
IPLeiria | 0.25 |
UAb | 0.24 |
IPBeja | 0.08 |
IPVC | 0.07 |
ESHTE | 0.03 |
National entities obtained EU funding totaling €1,159.16 million in Horizon 2020 projects. This figure corresponds to 1.65% of total EU funding in Horizon 2020.
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 155,37 | 136,44 | 132,94 | 144,71 | 188,94 | 183,71 | 217,05 | 1.159,16 | |
EU funding (M€) | 9.414,33 | 8.650,03 | 9.758,36 | 8.840,74 | 10.601,03 | 10.809,76 | 12.146,30 | 70.220,53 | |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,65 | 1,58 | 1,36 | 1,64 | 1,78 | 1,70 | 1,79 | 1,65 |
PT Financing by Type of Entity (M€)
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Total | ||
Higher Education | 50,53 | 31,84 | 38,42 | 37,94 | 56,90 | 39,07 | 56,20 | 310,90 | |
Large companies | 12,65 | 19,52 | 13,65 | 15,94 | 15,86 | 19,64 | 25,42 | 122,67 | |
SME | 19,53 | 17,64 | 28,55 | 25,79 | 29,21 | 39,65 | 28,49 | 188,85 | |
Research Centers | 63,20 | 52,57 | 40,02 | 55,84 | 72,61 | 61,61 | 91,21 | 437,05 | |
Others | 9,46 | 14,87 | 12,31 | 9,19 | 14,37 | 23,75 | 15,73 | 99,68 |
PT funding by region
Financing by Pillar
Scientific Excellence | Industrial Leadership | Societal challenges | Widening | SWAFS | EURATOM | JTI | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 312,87 | 253,00 | 389,18 | 107,51 | 11,68 | 16,65 | 47,50 |
EU funding (M€) | 24.671,55 | 14.405,94 | 19.341,99 | 919,97 | 527,28 | 1.411,65 | 6.349,28 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,27 | 1,76 | 2,01 | 11,69 | 2,22 | 1,18 | 0,75 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 312,87 |
EU funding (M €) | 24.671,55 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,27 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 253,00 |
EU funding (M €) | 14.405,94 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,76 |
Societal challenges | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 389,18 |
EU funding (M €) | 19.341,99 |
Percentage Portuguese | 2,01 |
Widening | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 107,51 |
EU funding (M €) | 919,97 |
Percentage Portuguese | 11,69 |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 11,68 |
EU funding (M €) | 527,28 |
Percentage Portuguese | 2,22 |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 16,65 |
EU funding (M €) | 1.411,65 |
Percentage Portuguese | 1,18 |
JTI | |
Financing for PT entities (M€) | 47,50 |
EU funding (M €) | 6.349,28 |
Percentage Portuguese | 0,75 |
PT Financing by Type of Entity in each Pillar
Scientific Excellence | Industrial Leadership | Societal challenges | Widening | SWAFS | EURATOM | JTI | |
Higher Education | 130,07 | 22,99 | 67,09 | 53,32 | 6,34 | 16,29 | 8,12 |
Large companies | 3,12 | 34,28 | 73,16 | – | 0,05 | – | 10,68 |
SME | 14,29 | 97,38 | 61,52 | 0,42 | 0,81 | 0,17 | 12,31 |
Research Centers | 160,48 | 80,69 | 125,50 | 51,90 | 1,70 | 0,09 | 14,63 |
Others | 4,91 | 17,66 | 61,91 | 1,87 | 2,78 | 0,10 | 1,75 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Higher education | 130,07 |
Large companies | 3,12 |
SME | 14,29 |
Research Centers | 160,48 |
Other | 4,91 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Higher Education | 22,99 |
Large companies | 34,28 |
SME | 97,38 |
Research Centers | 80,69 |
Other | 17,66 |
Societal challenges | |
Higher Education | 67,09 |
Large companies | 73,16 |
SME | 61,52 |
Research Centers | 125,50 |
Other | 61,91 |
Widening | |
Higher education | 53,32 |
Large Companies | – |
SME | 0,42 |
Research Centers | 51,90 |
Other | 1,87 |
Higher Education | 6,34 |
Large companies | 0,05 |
SME | 0,81 |
Research Centers | 1,70 |
Other | 2,78 |
Higher Education | 16,29 |
Large Companies | – |
SME | 0,17 |
Research Centers | 0,09 |
Other | 0,10 |
JTI | |
Higher Education | 8,12 |
Large companies | 10,68 |
SME | 12,31 |
Research Centers | 14,63 |
Other | 1,75 |
PT Funding by Region in each Pillar (M€)
Scientific Excellence | Industrial Leadership | Societal challenges | Widening | SWAFS | EURATOM | JTI | |
Azores | 0,69 | 0,36 | 7,07 | 0,04 | 0,63 | – | – |
Alentejo | 3,46 | 8,74 | 19,08 | 0,33 | 0,30 | – | 0,85 |
Algarve | 5,30 | 9,08 | 8,22 | 0,67 | – | – | 1,91 |
Center | 60,86 | 45,63 | 53,65 | 25,17 | 1,74 | 0,27 | 8,29 |
Lisbon | 166,80 | 87,79 | 203,15 | 32,03 | 5,04 | 15,97 | 18,96 |
Madeira | 0,32 | 1,44 | 9,25 | – | 0,44 | – | 0,29 |
North | 74,87 | 85,12 | 93,38 | 48,93 | 3,14 | 0,18 | 15,53 |
Scientific Excellence | |
Azores | 0,69 |
Alentejo | 3,46 |
Algarve | 5,30 |
Center | 60,86 |
Lisbon | 166,80 |
Wood | 0,32 |
North | 74,87 |
Industrial Leadership | |
Azores | 0,36 |
Alentejo | 8,74 |
Algarve | 9,08 |
Center | 45,63 |
Lisbon | 87,79 |
Wood | 1,44 |
North | 85,12 |
Societal challenges | |
Azores | 7,07 |
Alentejo | 19,08 |
Algarve | 8,22 |
Center | 53,65 |
Lisbon | 203,15 |
Wood | 9,25 |
North | 93,38 |
Widening | |
Azores | 0,04 |
Alentejo | 0,33 |
Algarve | 0,67 |
Center | 25,17 |
Lisbon | 32,03 |
Wood | – |
North | 48,93 |
Azores | 0,63 |
Alentejo | 0,30 |
Algarve | – |
Center | 1,74 |
Lisbon | 5,04 |
Wood | 0,44 |
North | 3,14 |
Azores | – |
Alentejo | – |
Algarve | – |
Center | 0,27 |
Lisbon | 15,97 |
Wood | – |
North | 0,18 |
JTI | |
Azores | – |
Alentejo | 0,85 |
Algarve | 1,91 |
Center | 8,29 |
Lisbon | 18,96 |
Wood | 0,29 |
North | 15,53 |
Participation and Financing in Pillar II - Industrial Leadership
Financing (M€) | Participations | Coordination | |
Higher Education | 22,99 | 68 | 6 |
Large companies | 34,28 | 124 | 4 |
SME | 97,38 | 321 | 155 |
Research Centers | 80,69 | 187 | 32 |
Other | 17,66 | 85 | 7 |
Total | 253,00 | 785 | 204 |
Participation and Funding by Theme
The data presented on this page is based on official data made available by the European Commission. They are updated periodically by the GPPQ. Last update: January 06, 2022